Award April 5, 2023 Sin Chew Business Excellence Awards 2022Dtec-parts was founded since 1996 in Kuala Lumpur with proven excellent track records in distribution… admin 0 Love0
Award February 21, 2023 Golden Eagle Award (GEA) 2022‘瞬息万变,刻划精彩’ 这是我们第一次参与金鹰奖,主要是为了证明公司的实力和价值,很荣幸得评审的青睐,有了这个肯定,我们才能把企业做得更大,更强! This is the first time for us to participate in the Golden Eagle… admin 0 Love0
Award April 13, 2022 Sin Chew Business Excellence Awards 2020Thanks for support from our main supplier,for our winning of Product Excellence Awards in Sin… admin 0 Love0